Start Planning: Book your Manaslu Circuit Adventure for 2024/2025 !
enjoying in manaslu trek in august

Weather and Temperature

August is part of the monsoon season in Nepal, so trekkers can expect frequent rain showers, high humidity, and cloudy skies. Daytime temperatures in lower altitudes can range from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F). As you ascend higher, temperatures will decrease, especially at night, so it’s essential to be prepared for cooler conditions.

Read also : Best time to trek in Nepal – Weather in Nepal

Mountain Scenery

Despite the monsoon, the Manaslu region’s scenery remains stunning. The rain brings lush greenery to the landscape, enhancing the beauty of terraced fields, forests, and valleys. While the clouds might obscure the peaks at times, there are often clear windows where the majestic Manaslu (8,163 meters) and other surrounding mountains reveal themselves. The contrast of vibrant flora against the dramatic mountain backdrop is a unique experience.


The Manaslu Trek is considered a challenging trek. The trail involves steep ascents and descents, narrow paths, and occasional landslides due to the rain. The highest point of the trek is the Larkya La Pass at 5,160 meters, which requires careful acclimatization and physical fitness. Trekkers need to be prepared for long days of walking, varying weather conditions, and potential altitude sickness.

Read also: How difficult to trek in Manaslu Circuit

Cultural Experience

The Manaslu region offers a rich cultural experience. The trail passes through several traditional villages inhabited by ethnic groups such as the Gurung and Tibetan communities. Trekkers will have the opportunity to visit ancient monasteries, mani walls, and chortens, gaining insight into the local Buddhist culture. The region’s isolation has preserved its cultural heritage, making it a fascinating destination for cultural enthusiasts.


August sees fewer trekkers on the Manaslu trail compared to the peak trekking seasons of spring and autumn. The monsoon deters many hikers, which means you’ll likely encounter fewer crowds, allowing for a more peaceful and solitary trekking experience. This also means that accommodation options might be more readily available, although it’s still advisable to book in advance.

Available Transportation

Getting to the starting point of the Manaslu Trek, usually in Soti Khola or Arughat, requires a combination of transportation modes. From Kathmandu, you can take a bus or jeep to either of these villages. The journey can be long and bumpy, especially with the monsoon rains affecting road conditions. It’s essential to be flexible with travel plans and prepared for potential delays.=


Trekking the Manaslu Circuit in August offers a unique experience, blending challenging trekking conditions with the serene beauty of the monsoon-washed landscape and rich cultural encounters. While the weather can be unpredictable and the trails demanding, the rewards of solitude, lush scenery, and authentic cultural experiences make it a worthwhile adventure for well-prepared trekkers.

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Hi, I’m Ariyal, a passionate tour operator at Around Manaslu Trek, based in Kathmandu, Nepal. With years of experience in adventure tourism, I specialize in curating memorable trekking experiences, particularly in the majestic Manaslu region. Beyond my love for the mountains, I’m an avid fan of technology and photography, capturing the stunning landscapes and cultural richness Nepal has to offer. Whether you’re seeking a challenging trek, stunning views, or an authentic cultural experience, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s plan your next adventure!

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