Share a Jeep to Sotikhola

Bus driving together is pretty fun. However, it may be exhausting because of the crowd on the bus. Therefore, to avoid such kind of boring moment, you can share a jeep from Kathmandu to Sotikhola while you are on the way to the Manaslu trek. Although it is costly, it can be reduced if you share it with others.

Usually, trekkers leave Kathmandu early morning, and in the afternoon, they will reach Sotikhola via Aarughat. Basically, a Landcruiser Jeep has 7 comfortable seats and costs $240 USD that offering more opportunities to enjoy memorable road trips. The journey will be of 7/8 hours including lunch, and toilet stops. Occasionally, we provide photography breaks for a while as per guests’ interests.

You can share jeep with following guests

NameNationalityJourneyKTM to Aarughat DepartureStatus
Chris CromptonNew ZealandKeen to share ride to manasulu trek2022-10-24Confirmed
James BoothUnited KingdomManaslu Trek2022-03-20Confirmed

Just fill the following fields without leaving any fields. We will hook you up and make your drive more affordable. We also try to make you ride comfortably.

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Please remember to leave at least a full working day to take permit besides Saturday or other public holiday.
Please enter a value between 1-7.
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Call us (whatsapp/viber) +977 9818008417